The Dairy Gallery, London, Untitled performance...
The Dairy Gallery, West Dulwich May 2014 Performance at Gallery group show;Mark Hammond, Gavin Turk, Nicholas May, Peter Rodulfo, Susan Mully Bennett, Alexis Harding, Alex Calinescu, Toby Godden, David Stanley....
The Dairy Gallery, London, Untitled performance...
The Dairy Gallery, West Dulwich May 2014 Performance at Gallery group show;Mark Hammond, Gavin Turk, Nicholas May, Peter Rodulfo, Susan Mully Bennett, Alexis Harding, Alex Calinescu, Toby Godden, David Stanley....
Warren Street, London, Call and Response [Super...
Call and Response [Super Divinital Mega Structure] December 2013. 14 Warren Street W1T 5JLInstallation in collaboration with Phill Wilson-Perkin - Letters by Gordon Matta-Clark - New commission by Andrew T...
Warren Street, London, Call and Response [Super...
Call and Response [Super Divinital Mega Structure] December 2013. 14 Warren Street W1T 5JLInstallation in collaboration with Phill Wilson-Perkin - Letters by Gordon Matta-Clark - New commission by Andrew T...
Chisenhale studios, London, The Thief 2012
Studio 4 Chisenhale studios, London October 2012 Curated by Sebastian Buerkner Sebastian Buerkner, Phill Wilson-Perkin and Samantha Taylor, Matt CalderwoodChooc Ly Tan, an evening of video, performance and music at...
Chisenhale studios, London, The Thief 2012
Studio 4 Chisenhale studios, London October 2012 Curated by Sebastian Buerkner Sebastian Buerkner, Phill Wilson-Perkin and Samantha Taylor, Matt CalderwoodChooc Ly Tan, an evening of video, performance and music at...
Malta, 'Evocation at Hondoq bay whilst listenin...
Hondoq bay, Gozo, Malta May 2012 Work based on the battle to make Hondoq bay a protected area, rather than building over the islands only large waterfall with hotels and...
Malta, 'Evocation at Hondoq bay whilst listenin...
Hondoq bay, Gozo, Malta May 2012 Work based on the battle to make Hondoq bay a protected area, rather than building over the islands only large waterfall with hotels and...
The Gallery, London 'Collective Perspectives' 2012
The Gallery, Redchurch St, London Febuary 2012 Curated by Cass Art Screenprint on wood Works of over 40 young, emerging and unrepresented artists, many of whom are graduates from Londons...
The Gallery, London 'Collective Perspectives' 2012
The Gallery, Redchurch St, London Febuary 2012 Curated by Cass Art Screenprint on wood Works of over 40 young, emerging and unrepresented artists, many of whom are graduates from Londons...
Tudor Grove 'The Fitz-Caymen Experiment Film La...
Ground Floor Left, Tudor Grove, London Febuary 2012 Curated by the film director Ben Lister Asked to perform as part of the opening of The Fitz-Caymen Experiment, a Documentary Short...
Tudor Grove 'The Fitz-Caymen Experiment Film La...
Ground Floor Left, Tudor Grove, London Febuary 2012 Curated by the film director Ben Lister Asked to perform as part of the opening of The Fitz-Caymen Experiment, a Documentary Short...